LAWD and Nutrien Ag Solutions are pleased to present Widgewa (the Property).
From fodder production to feedyard Widgewa is a beef production powerhouse underpinned by irrigated and dryland cropping, located in the highly sought-after Western Darling Downs.
Key Investment Highlights:
– Location: 65* kilometres north of Goondiwindi , 219* kilometres west of Toowoomba and 351* kilometres west of Brisbane.
– Scale: Total area of 4,922* hectares (12,163* acres) across a single freehold land holding.
– Operation: Comprising an efficient cropping and grazing operation including developed centre pivot irrigation (88* hectares), dryland cropping (705* hectares), cleared grazing land (1,811* hectares) and timbered grazing land (1,757* hectares) with the balance land supporting operations.
– Carrying Capacity: Estimated carrying capacity of 1,700* Adult Equivalents.
– Climate and Soils: Favorable climate and reliable rainfall (average annual rainfall of 520* millimetres) combined with a mix of fertile grey, yellow and red self mulching clay soils underpin production.
– Water: Securely watered from a 1,200* megalitre overland flow catchment dam, a stock and domestic bore supplying tanks and troughs throughout, supported by 13* dams and frontage to the Weir River.
– Land Development: Recent extensive land development of over 1,314* hectares.
– Structures: High quality operational infrastructure for cropping and grazing enterprises includes a recently constructed steel cattle yards (750* head capacity) plus a 600* Standard Cattle Units (SCU) containment yard and a 1,600* tonne silage pit. Widgewa is benefitted by plentiful accommodation options including a four-bedroom homestead and new three-bedroom quarters.
For further information, contact the selling agents.