LAWD is pleased to present for sale the Arcturus Downs Portfolio (the Portfolio), an institutional-scale, multifaceted, irrigated and broadacre dryland cropping, and beef cattle breeding and backgrounding opportunity, in the highly regarded Central Highlands region of Queensland.
• Comprising a total land area of 34,944* hectares of freehold land across three contiguous properties known as Arcturus (7,940* hectares), Kronje (3,848* hectares) and Barton (3,813* hectares) (together the Arcturus Downs Aggregation) and one proximal, non-contiguous property known as Pindari (19,343* hectares)
• A strategically located Portfolio, with a diverse income mix, in the renowned Central Highlands region of Queensland – in proximity to Springsure, Emerald and Rockhampton
• The Portfolio is currently utilised for the production of irrigated cotton, sorghum and mungbeans, and dryland wheat, barley, chickpeas, sorghum, cotton and oats, as well as the breeding and backgrounding of cattle
• Substantial water allocations include 3,363* megalitres of Comet River unsupplemented water allocations, underpinned by additional overland flow water harvesting capabilities following high rainfall/river flow events. Collectively supported by significant on-farm water storage, comprising four main storages (14,000* megalitres combined capacity)
• Reliable stock and domestic water via 18* equipped groundwater bores, 68* earthen dams with open access for livestock and numerous permanent and seasonal waterholes
• Integrated grain storage complex with a combined storage capacity of 7,850* tonnes, which includes a drive-over receival hopper, grain drier, out loading facilities and a full-length weighbridge (80* tonne capacity)
• Extensive structural improvements and operational infrastructure include machinery and storage shedding, workshops, silage pits (3,000* tonnes combined), fuel storage (146,000* litres combined), cattle yards (7), horse yards and stables, airstrips (2), hangars (2) and sundry rural shedding, as well as substantial residential infrastructure including three main homesteads, seven cottages, staff quarters and a mustering hut